Monday, October 18, 2010

Fashion Consultants for Designer Jeans Co.

Vault Denim is a new and exciting company that is looking for Fashion Consultants who love jeans, love saving money, and love working with people. Vault Denim Fahion Consultants earn income by selling designer jeans at in home parties - NO seconds and NO knock-offs. Guests save up to 50% or more, hostesses can earn free jeans and consultants can make lots of money. No need to purchase any inventory - we supply it. Easy and fun job with immediate openings.
This is a great opportunity to earn extra income. There is no sales quota to meet. You decide when and how much you want to work.
Please contact me for more information about this great new career.

  • Location: Roseville, Rocklin, Lincoln
  • Compensation: 18 to 24% plus additional bonuses
  • Telecommuting is ok.
  • This is a part-time job.
Email to apply

Posted by Stephanie Coronado

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